SeeClickFix Blog #3

  • Has the status of your issue changed since the last time you checked it?  Explain your answer.

No, my status has not changed since last time because my issue was closed and still is closed since my issue was fixed.

  • On Edublog #1 you were asked to predict whether or not SeeClickFix would fix the problem you reported.  Did you find that your prediction came true?  Explain your answer.

My prediction did not come true because i said that my issue wouldn’t get fixed and it did end up getting fixed.

  • Are you satisfied with the result of the issue you reported?  Explain why, or why not.

Yes, i am satisfied with my result because i cant believe that the issue that i reported actually got fixed and someone did something about it.

  • Do you think that SeeClickFix is a useful tool for helping people fix problems in their communities?  Explain your answer.

Yes, i do think SeeClickFix is a useful tool for people to fix problems in the community because the issue that they have will actually get looked at by someone and get fixed or they will tell you something about it.

  • If you could change or improve SeeClickFix, what would you do?  Explain your answer.

I wouldn’t improve SeeClickFix because it it good the way it is and because it is easy to use/understand.

  • Which class project do you think was best able to help the people who resisted an oppression gain agency:  SeeClickFix or the May Day March?  Explain your answer.

I think the best projected that helped people who resisted an oppression gain agency was the SeeClickFix project because you can see the results and actually get notified by someone who is incharge of your issue instead of ignoring it.

  • Do the results of the SeeClickFix and May Day projects imply that one form of resistance is better than another?  Explain your answer.

The SeeClickFix is good with little things that you want to get fixed in your community to make it look better and more. The May Day project is good with getting others attention and making it bigger to make a big problem get fixed, even though usually that issue wont get fixed.

SeeClickFix Blog #2

  • What did you learn about the status of the issue you reported to SeeClickFix?

I learned that someone did something about my issue and that illegal dumping was fixed faster than others who did potholes, graffiti and other ones.

  • Describe the response you got about the issue you reported.  What was the message you received?  Who sent you that message?

The response that i got was acknowledged than to closed. The city of Oakland call center sent me the message that my issue was fixed. 

  • Describe how the 9th grade students are tracking the progress of the issue we reported using stickies and posters.  What do each posters mean?  

The 9th grade students are tracking the progress of the issue we reported by using 3 posters that say open,acknowledge and closed. We put the sticky note where our status was first then we moved it to where it changed to like closed or acknowledge. The open poster meant the case is open. The acknowledge poster meant the people saw your issue. The closed poster meant the problem got fixed.

  • Did you change the status of the issue you reported on a poster?  Explain why, or why not.

Yes, i did change my status i reported on the poster because first it was open and now it changed to close.

  • Did any patterns emerge on the poster about which issues are resolved, and which are not?  Explain your answer.

There was a pattern that emerge because the illegal dumping,potholes, and sidewalks got solved faster than  graffiti that didn’t get fixed.

  • Do you think 9th grade students are gaining agency based on their efforts on this project?  Explain your answer.

The 9th grade students who reported  illegal dumping,potholes, and sidewalks are gaining agency because they got there issue fixed.

SeeClickFix Blog #1

  • In your own words, explain what the words RESISTANCE and AGENCY mean.   

Resistance is when someone doesn’t agree to doing something or wants somethings to not happen. Agency is when you get the control back from your own life.

  • In your own words, explain what the term SOCIAL MOVEMENT means.

Social movement is when people work together to stop oppression and make a change.

  • What does the company called SEECLICKFIX do for people living in Oakland?

The company seeclickfix helps fix problems in Oakland like potholes, broken sidewalks and more by bugging the people who’s job it is to fix that problem.

  • Do you think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland to resist oppression and gain agency?  Explain why, or why not.

Yes, because the city of Oakland doesn’t listen to the people who live here that need things to be fixed. 

  • Explain the story of how you took your picture for the SEECLICKFIX project (Describe what you took a picture of, when you took it, where you were, how, and why).

I got my seeclickfix picture by when i was in the car and there was a stop light so my mom stopped i saw it on 5511 Hilton street by Bancroft ave. Since the car wasn’t moving and i had a sorta good view i took a picture of what i can get on the screen because it was a lot of trash where people can’t even walk past through.

  • What did you do in class to join SEECLICKFIX?  Describe the steps you took.

Me and my class went to the seeclickfix website and joined with google, we had to let the website see our location than later on we had to go to our email and verify the account.

  • What did you do in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX?  Describe the steps you took.

Me and my class opened the seeclickfix website, clicked on report issue,later on we followed the steps to report the issue than we wrote down the issue ID number.

  • Do you predict that the City of Oakland will fix the problem you reported?  Explain why, or why not.

Yes, i do think the city of Oakland will fix the problem that i reported because i was clear about it and because it covers 1/3 of the block.


Edublog Assignment #10

What is a social movement? A social movement is when groups of people work together to resist an oppression or make some kind of change.

What is May Day? May day is on May 1st were people protest.


How did May Day become a day to protest?


Describe what Fremont HS students will be doing on May 1st?


Describe the work our class has done to research previous social movements this school year.


Explain how our class decided what our protest goals would be.
Do you predict that that May Day student protest will be successful?  Explain your answer.

Edublog Assignment #8

Feminism is when women are fighting the government, companies, employers, police officers, men who treat women bad and more for better pay. Being able to do things they like to enjoy like spending time with family. Mostly respect by not treating them bad as if they were just things who only do things for the house and more to be equal between men and us women. 


Oppression happened when women are not treated with respect and equality when men or even woman bring us down by telling us or saying negative things that makes us believe those things that women and man say about woman like “ Your ugly “ , “ Your not worth anything “ , “ You never do anything right.

The article was written by Kayla Kibbe, Connecticut College. The source is a website that college students from Stony Brook University, Waynesburg University and more have written across the country. The article was written in Feburary , 20- 25 2017.

“ a woman, like myself, can’t identify any signs of having suffered under this daunting omnipresence of oppression, it is because she has internalized it from a young age. She has been subconsciously infiltrated by this all-powerful villain. Thus, feminism robs women of their ability to even take authority over their own thoughts and opinions, as they have already been corrupted by the patriarchy “

Based on the criteria for reliable sources the information from the article is trustworthy because Kayla Kibbe has a lot of evidence like when the author Kayla Kibbe shows a picture of women holding up signs that say “End sex discrimination in day and grading“ to back up what they are talking about others lives and what women say. But also this article is trustworthy because it was written this year on February.

The category of oppression that is happening is economic oppression because of what women need, the things they make, and how those things are shared as when they share a job and need the money to support their family even though women don’t always get what they need. It’s sometimes hard for women to get what they want.

The level of oppression that is happening is interpersonal oppression because of how the people who treat women unfair or unequal or with no respect has behaved towards the women. This also has another category of oppression this is Internalized oppression because of how the women believe the negative narratives about themselves as when people tell them “ you’re not worth nothing “ , “ why are you still alive if you can never do anything right.”

Something that caused the oppression was when women and men benefit from treated woman as if they are a thing which is called dehumanization or even by judging, bullying, and more. Those things can make women think less of themselves and more.

An effect of that oppression is women would not appreciate their beauty and intelligence when men and women put them down or out negative narratives in their head making them think of it to the point women will believe the narrative.

The oppression was not resisted in ways when women and men bring women down women by putting negative narratives in their head making them believe it, women are not always treated equally in jobs, life and more, women are not always treated with respect, and more.

Resistance did cause agency when women are standing up for what they believe, not letting negative narratives get to there head when it’s not true and things women want as when women want equality , respect, and more. Agency isn’t over yet because women now are still fighting for things they want or get close to what they want.

Edublog Assignment #5

Do you think Colonization, the Encomienda System, and the African Slave trade still influence people’s lives today?  Explain your answer.

Yes i do think the Encomienda system and the African slave trade still influence people’s lives today because of how others still see different cultures and races or the way people treat the other cultures and races. But also of how their ancestors were treated making them might wanting to get revenge or something similar like that.

Edublog Assignment #4

What is a dominant narrative?  Explain in a complete sentence.

A dominant narrative is a story told by a person who is top or can never experience something but that also can affect people or the society in those who are marginalized groups.

What are two examples of a dominant narrative?

Two example of a Dominant narrative is all students have access to going to high school and all students are digital learners.

Edublog Assignment #3


I live in city called Oakland California. The neighborhood i grew up in was hard any scary, being scared if you will die young. As a person i would describe myself as a cold hearted but loving person who is kind to me. As a daughter i describe myself to be a good person who is actually trying to have a future and helps out my mom a lot, as a sibling i am nice but mean, as a friend i am kind. An aspect of my identity is i was born and raised in Oakland, I am mexican(mixed race).


To begin with i choose a picture of a lady cleaning, this means that people usually think us mexican women are only good for cleaning. The second picture i used was a white lady saying we are lazy, this means that white people/other say us mexicans are lazy and don’t do anything. The last picture i used was a picture of Mexicans crossing the border, this means that people say all mexicans are immigrants and came here by crossing the border. I feel disappointed that people think that about Mexicans when half of those things are not true.


Next the counter narrative that i choose first was a picture of mexican food, this means that mexicans make delicious food. The second picture i choose was a picture of mexicans working hard, this means that mexicans are hard workers and work for things we want. The last picture i used was a picture of mexicans talking about the USA was first mexico, this means that white people don’t have the right to kick us mexicans out of California when it was first Mexico before White people took it from us. This makes me feel happy since all of the pictures are true about my race and ethnicity.


Also in the inside of my shadowbox i put a picture of my boyfriend and me, i choose this picture because he has been there for me and had supported me. I also put a picture of my dog, i put this picture because she has made me happy for years making my sad days happy. Another picture i also put was a picture of my family, i put this picture because they have supported me and still support me. This makes me proud because all of those things and more have made me who i am now as a person in life.


In conclusion, people see me as a person who has a lot of support and love in her life. If people really knew me they would know that i am actually not a happy person and that i have went through a lot of things. Telling the story of who i am really am is important to me because i want people to know how i got to the way i am now as a person. What i’ve learned in this unit is to not judge people by the way they are or look but also that there is actually only 4 races.